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Tom Gores

Tom Gores: A Billionaire Businessman with a Heart for Giving

Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Sports Enthusiast

Born Tewfiq Georgious in 1964, Tom Gores is an American billionaire businessman who has made a significant impact in the worlds of finance, philanthropy, and sports.

Founder and CEO of Platinum Equity

In 1995, Gores founded Platinum Equity, a global private equity firm based in Los Angeles. Under his leadership, Platinum Equity has grown into a powerhouse, overseeing more than 40 companies with assets exceeding $47 billion.

Chairman and CEO of the Detroit Pistons

Beyond his business ventures, Gores is also passionate about basketball. He is the chairman and CEO of the NBA's Detroit Pistons, a team he has owned since 2011. Under his stewardship, the Pistons have made significant strides, both on and off the court.

Founder of FlintNOW

Gores's philanthropic endeavors are particularly noteworthy. He is the founder of FlintNOW, a nonprofit organization dedicated to revitalizing the city of Flint, Michigan, where he grew up. FlintNOW provides support for education, job training, and economic development, with the ultimate goal of transforming Flint into a thriving community.
